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Downloadable resources

Attending school

Welcome to School


This resource is aimed for children recently arrived to England to explain some of the processes in attending school. We have also started to translate this document into different languages. If there is a language missing that you can help with, please get in touch!


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Transition booklet â€‹


For children moving from Year 6 into 7.

War & Conflict


This resource is for teachers and non-clinicians to consider approaches to support children settling into school.  It includes ideas around reading books, activities for children and other ideas.  

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Transition to school​


For children that may be returning or changing school midyear. For example, those that have been unwell and returning or recently moved to an area

Personal Development Scale


The personal development scale is a tool to help you think about some of the things you might find difficult and things you are really confident in. The purpose is to help those around you think of ways that might be able to support you. 

Emotional well-being

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Primary School Bereavement toolkit​


For primary school children that are recently bereaved. Exploring bereavement through the characters Frankie and Freya.

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Secondary School Bereavement toolkit​


For secondary school young people that are recently bereaved. Exploring bereavement through the characters Frankie and Freya.

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Emotional regulation booklet


For primary school children that need extra support with understanding behaviour.

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Relationship booklet


For children and young people to explore relationships including social media

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Worrying about war


For teachers, parents & carers to explore war and conflict. Including key questions for fact checking, some support for emotional well-being and signposting for further support

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Exam revision booklet​


For young people to explore revision techniques and consider best practice when it comes to revising

Specific needs

Tourette's School Strategy Toolkit


A workbook resource for children with tics to support their inclusion in school


OCD and Me​


A resource for children with OCD to support others understanding their needs and how to support

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Achondroplasia â€‹

A resource pack for younger children to understand more about achondroplasia

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Emotional Based School Avoidance â€‹

A work pack for children and grown-ups to support children with EBSA. Includes activities and signposting.

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Cerebral palsy

A parent guide to help understand some on cerebral palsy.

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